Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

God Saved My Life!

God saved my life!
Well I don't know if i was gonna die but this is how it went down. So we want to my church to do some thing and we where talking and all and then we here like some one trying to come so we go and see and theres know one there and we keep talking and then we here it again and then we say lalala you know and then we here it again! and again so then we freak out a little bit... so after so long we called the cops and he was out there with us so we went to are cars and we where ok! Some people may say "oh it was the cops that really saved me" The cops did help! But it was God that really saved me! THank you God I <3 U!


P.S  I know this was not a lot but there will be more about the other FUN thing that went on to night!

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